Above Photo from: http://www.japanorama.com/images/Hinomaru_364x254.gif

Thats where it started... My studies in the land of the rising sun, that is. No knowledge of the language and no information regarding the currency system. Before I was fully on my own in Osaka, I learned the currency denominations since I was going to be on my own for two days, and it was quicker than learning the language in a few minutes. You can change your money at the airport

when you get off the plane. The Denominations are from top left to bottom right. 1 Yen, 5 yen, 10 yen, 50 yen, 100 yen, and then finally 500 yen. The other picture is of their 2000 yen bill which is rare according to most Japanese people. Other bills include the 1000 yen, 5000 yen, and 10000 yen.
For planning ahead, your trip to Japan:
And to find your way to the Osaka area, the airports in the area:
Doesn't really seem like early impressions of Japan or Japanese culture, but rather a crash course on money. Where are the exchange rates?